Sep 5, 2015

Dulce de Leche Apple Tartlets

I made Dulce de Leche Apple tartlets for the Property Committee's snacks.


  • 3 large apples (from Costco), peeled, cored and diced into 1/4" chunks 
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 1.5 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Pinch of nutmeg
  • 14 oz. dulce de leche (see recipe below, or buy it)
  • two single pie crusts -- store bought or make your favorite recipe


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees F
  2. Spray wells in two 24 cup mini muffin pans with cooking spray. 
  3. Mix together the apples, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg in a microwave safe bowl.
  4. Microwave apples for 2 or 3 minutes to pre-cook and soften slightly.
  5. Allow apples to cool slightly while cutting out the tartlets.
  6. Cut out 24 ~2.5 circles out of each pie crust, reshaping and re-rolling as needed.
  7. Place a pie circle in each well of pan, pressing slightly as needed to fill crust to top.
  8. Mix dulce de leche with apples. 
  9. Using small cookie scoop (about 1.75 teaspoons), spoon apple mix into each well.
  10. Bake for 15 minutes or until golden.

Carole's Notes:

Dulce de leche apples were adapted from - I plan to make the empanada version sometime. It may work better to enclose filling - you will see less cracking of custard.

I used an overnight homemade Dulce de Leche from sweetened condensed milk following recipe on
one 14-16oz can Sweetened Condensed Milk water to cover

Read more: Dulce de Leche! Pressure Cooked Condensed Milk
  1. Prepare the pressure cooker by adding the trivet and steamer basket. Place 14 oz can of sweetened condensed milk on the steamer basket, being careful that it does not touch the sides or base of the pressure cooker. NOTE: The can cannot be in direct contact with the very hot base or sides of the pressure cooker.
  2. Fill the pressure cooker with enough water to cover the can. Put the can on its side to make sure it is fully submerged while not exceeding the "maximum capacity" of the pressure cooker. Close and lock the lid of the pressure cooker.
  3. Turn the heat up to high -- when the cooker reaches pressure, lower to the heat to the minimum required by the cooker to maintain pressure. (3 on my stove.)  Cook for 20 minutes at high pressure.
  4. When time is up,  release pressure cooker with the Natural release method - move the pot off the burner and wait for the pressure to come down on its own.
  5. When the pressure cooker indicator drops, do not remove the lid. Delicately set the pressure cooker aside and let it cool overnight - do not remove the can from the cooker or attempt to open it while it is warm.
  6. The next day, when completely cool, the can can be stored as-is or opened to used in your favorite recipe. Transfer to a plastic container and freeze any un-used portion for up to three months.
  7. If the dulce de leche is too stiff, simply warm the desired amount in a small pan with a spoon or two of milk to soften it to the desired consistency.

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