May 28, 2022

Snickerdoodle Bars

I wanted to make an easy snack that Doug would like - I decided to look for a Snickerdoodle Bar recipe.

May 23, 2022

Chocolate Chip Cookie in Two Mugs

I wanted to make a small dessert, so I made two "chocolate chip cookies in a mug".  I repeated similar recipe a couple of days later, and found Doug likes the "gooey" version, and I prefer the "cakey" version.

BLT Hot Dog Wrap with Caraway Remoulade

Doug was off at dinner with his company, so I decided to make a fancy hot dog.

May 21, 2022

May 14, 2022

Chocolate and Craisin Focaccia

I had been thinking about a chocolate and craisin cookie recipe, but Doug requested chocolate chip cookies after I had already started to plump up some craisins. So I put the craisins in the refrigerator yesterday, and made up a Chocolate and Craisin Focaccia today.