Dec 30, 2015

Ham Bone Soup

I'm using my new purple crock pot and my leftover ham bone to make a ham and potato soup tonight.

Dec 27, 2015

Biscuits (from Smitten Kitchen)

I used Alex's leftover biscuit in the stuffing this week, and he wanted a biscuit with his breakfast.
 So I just  had to bake again.
(Sorry Doug - I promise I will stop baking for a while -- you can count on this, because I am out of all purpose flour.)

Dec 26, 2015

Steak Cooked via Sous Vide

So Alex thought it would be amusing to build me a Sous Vide controller with Doug as a Christmas present. This photo is the inside view with the cover off - normally you just see the outlet and the on/off switch on top. The red digits show the measured temperature, the green digits show the measred temperature. The controller will turn off power to the power outlet after you hit the measured temperature.

Herb Butter Basted Slow Roast Turkey and Gravy

I wanted to try a slow roasted turkey. This is a combination of a couple of recipes and ideas.

Green Bean Casserole

A green bean casserole using a fresh mushroom sauce.

Sweet Potato Casserole

Sweet potato casserole with a streusel topping.

Dec 25, 2015

Butter Dipped Rolls

Butter dipped cloverleaf rolls are a traditional holiday food for the Reece family. These are a start-the-night-before-for-best-flavor recipe.
(Thanks to Brandi with helping with the cloverleaf process!)

Dec 23, 2015

Baked Chili Rellenos

I bought some Anaheim peppers awhile ago, and some Yellow Wax peppers today (I thought they were banana peppers, but they are longer and hotter...) So tonight I made baked Chili Rellenos - Alex called it 'a recipe never before made by Mom -- or the world.'

My twist - instead of frying these in an egg based batter, I baked them in egg roll wrappers.

I think they look Christmas-sy!

Sweet and Spicy Potluck Meatballs

Ben asked for my potluck meatball recipe.


Dec 17, 2015

Sweet and Sour Chicken

Cooking challenge night - we have fresh pineapple, red peppers and onions. How about Sweet and Sour Chicken?

Dec 12, 2015

Fruit and Custard Tartlets (aka mini pies)

Alex is coming home for Christmas! I was trying to clean his room, but I thought he might prefer treats and a messy room??
I think he prefers apple as a pie variety, so I made some apple and custard mini muffin size pies. Or maybe they are tartlets...

Dec 9, 2015

Sicilian Olive Chicken

Today's chef challenge - use chicken, spinach, and olives in a quick dinner recipe.
I googled a bit, and made a version of Sicilian Olive Chicken:

Dec 5, 2015

Peanut Butter Brownie Roll Out Cookies

I received a small cookie roller! (Thanks, Brandi!)

I tried out the new cookie roller roller on some Peanut Butter Brownie Roll-Out Cookies.