We were thinking about making a gingerbread house. We had an old kit, but it was too old to use. I made up some dough to make a house, but we got busy. We made gingerbread rounds instead.
Doug bought a bunch of kale, and wanted me to find a way to use it. We also had several frozen sausages, so I decided we would have Sausage, Kale, and Bean Soup. My mom's visiting, so I put her to work dicing the veggies!
I was looking for a side dish to go with leftover ribs, and I had a couple of elderly tomatoes. I made a simple tomato soup that focused on the tomato flavor.
December is snack month for Property committee. Doug suggested I use some of the dates we had on hand. I adapted my focaccia recipe a bit, and made up a Feta Date Focaccia with Apple Date Jam.