Feb 25, 2017

Honey Bourbon Caramel Loquat Apple Pie

The loquats are in season (well, mostly), so I decided to make a Honey Bourbon Caramel Loquat Apple Pie. With a touch of bourbon, because that was in the recipe I was adapting.

Feb 18, 2017

Chocolate Almond Biscotti (Gluten Free)

I decided to bake this weekend, and felt like making a biscotti. I decided to create a gluten free Chocolate Almond Biscotti to bring to DC with me.

Feb 11, 2017

Cinnamon Swirl Sourdough Bread

I  still had some multigrain bread left, but I wanted to bake. I decided to make a cinnamon swirl sourdough bread.

Feb 9, 2017

Mbriulata (Sicilian Sausage and Potato Pies)

I've been reading the Inspector Montalbano series by Andrea Camilleri, and so I am thinking about Sicilian food. I was looking for a recipe for cudduruni, and then came across a reference to mbriulata, so I decided to work up a recipe for them. Here is my version of these sausage and potato hand pies.